About Us

The Indore School of Social Work was founded in 1951 by the Indore Christian College at the instance of the Madhya Bharat State Branch of the Indian Conference of Social Work.
Faculty & Departments

Indore School of Social Work Established in 1951 is committed to excellence in its teaching, research and professional practice in Social Work. Its staff aims to integrate these areas of scholarly knowledge, skill and attitudes to the students.

The social sector today offers fulfilling career opportunities. Growing public investments, landmark legislations like the Right to Education Act, large government schemes like MGNREGA, NRHM etc.
The objectives of the MSW (Social Work) course are focused on preparing the candidates for a career as a professionally trained social worker and is aimed at inculcating in them attitudes and values necessary for working with people and organizations
This three year Bachelors program in social work is an intensive course with theory and field practice. The uniqueness of this program is that students are exposed to intensive experimental learning and this gives an edge over other under-graduate courses.
The Indore School of Social Work has started a one year post-graduate diploma course in Human Resource Development, a professional course in order to fulfill the need to intensify the academic and training inputs in personnel working in the HR sector.